How Balthazar May Plan to Kill Kralkatorrik and is it Possible that Snaff Still Lives?

In the launch trailer released the day before Path of Fire, Rytlock says, “I fear he may get the weapon, if he does, the consequences will be unpredictable.” It can be assumed he is referring to a crystalline spear given to him by Glint, which took place in Edge of Destiny, 5 years before the Personal Story. The … Continue reading How Balthazar May Plan to Kill Kralkatorrik and is it Possible that Snaff Still Lives?

Elder Dragons; History: Prior to 1325 AE

Despite the current rise of the Elder Dragons and the knowledge we have gained, little is about them. It is unknown how long they have been on Tyria; the oldest information that has been recovered is well over ten thousand years old, from the previous rising. Few races survived that period in history, most either … Continue reading Elder Dragons; History: Prior to 1325 AE